Corporal Freddie Stowers

An American Hero

Corporal Freddie Stowers garnered bravery that led to a monumental overtake of the seemingly insurmountable Côte 188 (Hill 188) which helped troops gain ground in World War I.  In facing peril, Cpl. Stowers established a lifeline for his comrades, while losing his own on September 28, 1918.  For these acts, a posthumous recognition was bestowed upon him by President H.W. Bush, in the East Room of the White House, on April 24, 1991.

The Family for Corporal Freddie Stowers offers information about the life and recognition of Cpl. Stowers to bridge the gap between the past and present.  

Join us as we are inspired by the legacy and deeds of Cpl. Stowers, who lived at a time when relationships between ethnic minorities and non-ethnic minorities were unharmonious. 
We can remember his sacrifice as we endeavor to uplift future generations by honoring the merits of his character.